every city tells a story……..

Presidio Habitats

Taking on the somewhat daunting task of marathon training (make mine an ultra!)  the city becomes a single breathing entity: all nooks and crannies within legs reach.  Exploration will be my mascot as I make the way to the Goofy.

Presidio Habitats is an exhibition of site specific sculptures tucked in the trees and grasses of Presidio’s Fort Scott District.  The Presidio overlooks the Golden Gate so the orange colored icon is never far from view, casting an occasional wink between the trees.  As part of the Doyle Drive project, an extensive network of paths have recently been updated and extended as if just for me.  Thank you Caltrans….

With a delightful blend of didacticism and entertainment, the exhibition curator, Cheryl Haines (of Cheryl Haines Gallery) commissioned architects, designers and artists to create hypothetical habitats for endangered species.  The results are uneven but it matters little as you zoom by knocking off miles and accruing cultural cache, mai oui!  A lovely map is available on line or at the exhibition pavilion (another commissioned work) but beware, the numbers can not be followed sequentially-  annoying until you remember the point is mileage and lots of it.    My route ended up around five miles but it can easily be tweaked.  Check it out

For a longer run, tag on Andy Goldsworthy’s Spire at Arguello Gate.

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